About us

Who we are

The Ed4all WA website is a collaborative project with the CEEDAR WA team and Washington Educators. Ed4allwa provides knowledge mobilization support for educators in Washington state.


Read about the team members who contribute to the formulation and development of the Ed4all WA website.


Ed4all WA is lead by a statewide leadership team of K-12 educators and college educators; administrators; CEEDAR Representatives; and a graduate student.

Land Acknowledgement

Ed4all WA acknowledges that the State of Washington is located on the homelands of Indigenous People, who have lived in this region from time immemorial and continue to live in this region today.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Statement

Ed4all WA condemns discrimination in all of its forms (e.g., racism, ableism, linguicism, sexism, classism, etc.). We support equity, diversity, and inclusion for all people.