Inclusive Principal Leadership

The Inclusive Principal Leadership committee of the 2021-22 Washington State CEEDAR collaborative is working to curate professional development offerings to promote best practices related to inclusive leadership. 



Interface with AIPL Award received from CCSSO to incorporate strategies/trainings/PD/for inclusive practices at the leadership level.

The Inclusive Leadership Committee has been meeting routinely since March of 2022. During the first few meetings, the committee discussed statewide initiatives through OSPI, AWSP, etc., regarding the training and preparation of principals to become Inclusive Leaders in the State of Washington. After the discussion, the committee determined that we needed to hear from the field about what principals were prepared to do and what they were not prepared to do around inclusion, by providing a gap analysis, through a survey. The survey will assess a principal’s knowledge of Inclusive Leadership. The results will be examined and shared with statewide entities. The committee will also share survey results with Directors of Principal Certification Programs to identify supports principals need to come out of their training programs with the skills to be Inclusive Leaders. The committee has also discussed the importance of working with and bringing PK-12 school districts and EPP’s together, in partnership, on the implementation of inclusive practices. We will continue to examine the most practical and effective ways to accomplish this.

Committee Members

Goldy Brown, Ph.D.

Whitworth University

Helene Paroff

Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA)

Cassie Stevens, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Special Education (OSPI)

Chirs Espeland

Donald Wattam

Julie Antilla

Theodore Kalmus

Helene Paroff

Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA)