The Inclusive Leadership Committee has been meeting routinely since March of 2022. During the first few meetings, the committee discussed statewide initiatives through OSPI, AWSP, etc., regarding the training and preparation of principals to become Inclusive Leaders in the State of Washington. After the discussion, the committee determined that we needed to hear from the field about what principals were prepared to do and what they were not prepared to do around inclusion, by providing a gap analysis, through a survey. The survey will assess a principal’s knowledge of Inclusive Leadership. The results will be examined and shared with statewide entities. The committee will also share survey results with Directors of Principal Certification Programs to identify supports principals need to come out of their training programs with the skills to be Inclusive Leaders. The committee has also discussed the importance of working with and bringing PK-12 school districts and EPP’s together, in partnership, on the implementation of inclusive practices. We will continue to examine the most practical and effective ways to accomplish this.
About The Author

Goldy Brown, Ph.D.
Dr. Goldy Brown III is the new Director of Whitworth University's Education Administration Program. He comes to Spokane from Rockford Illinois. He has served as a former professor and routine guest speaker in college courses, where he has gained valuable experience leading college level discussions on educational foundations and leadership. In addition, he has conducted seminars on “what principals look for when hiring a teacher.” He also has seven years of experience as a K-12 leader, serving as a principal. Schools that he led received four state recognition awards for closing the achievement gap between low-income and affluent students. Dr. Brown has also published five articles on school leadership. He is excited about living in Spokane and getting connected and rooted in the community.